Monday, October 31, 2011

agendas, Oct. 31-Nov. 4

Monday, 10/31
To learn about--and how to avoid--plagiarism
To read for enjoyment

1. Plagiarism video
2. Journal #24: Notes on the plagiarism video
3. Reading Time
4. Reading Records

Back to the library on Tuesday!

Tuesday, 11/1
To continue the research process
To develop sources for our cases

1. Library Day 6: working on notecards

Wednesday, 11/2
To continue the research process
To develop sources for our cases

1. Library Day 7: notecards / citations due. Starting work on debate cases.

Thursday, 11/3
To compile our research and create a debate case
To make the best case for our side

1. Journal #25: things to know about your case and your role in the debate
2. Case-writing

Create a Google Doc for your team (just your side!)
Title it like this:

Topic PRO (or CON) Case Name Name Period
Facebook PRO Case Roger Mindy 2nd

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