Thursday, November 17, 2011

debate self-evaluation

For the 100 points the debate assignment is worth, I will base your grade on your self-evaluation, as compared with my observations of your participation and effort throughout the process and your casework.

Write a self-evaluation of your role in the debate process, on Google Docs, titled "Firstname Lastname Debate Eval." (Don't forget to share it with me, jvahomework AT gmail DOT com)

Copy these guiding questions into your Google Doc. The document, including questions, will be anywhere from 300-400 words total.

Print the document when you're finished, as it will go in your folder when I've assessed it.

You may use these questions to guide your thinking.

Individual Preparation
How well prepared were you? Why?
Did you spend enough time preparing? Why or why not?
How well did the debate result reflect your preparation?

Group Process
How effective was your group? Why?
Did everyone in the group "pull equal weight?" Why or why not?
If we were to do this again, what might you do differently?

Individual Performance
How did you do? Why?
Did you enjoy the debate? Why or why not?
What do you need to work on?

Were you able to judge fairly and impartially? Why or why not?
How well did you follow the debate?
How effective were your notes?

Overall, I earned a ______ out of 100 for my role in the debate project

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