Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Break!

There is no official homework for Spring Break.

It is, however, a great time to catch up on missing work, study your vocab, read a great book, or read ahead in Romeo and Juliet.

Enjoy your break!

Journal #19

You're one of the characters from Romeo and Juliet. Rap about your situation.

* At least 10 lines
* Rhyming
* Demonstrates your understanding of one of the conflicts in Act I
* Shakespearean language is OPTIONAL
* Partner up if you want to

Samson vs. Gregory
Prince vs. Feuding Families
Tybalt vs. Benvolio
Benvolio vs. Romeo
Paris vs. Capulet
Nurse and Lady Capulet vs. Juliet
Mercutio vs. Romeo
Tybalt vs. Capulet
Romeo vs. Juliet

Journal #18

Who's the most dramatic person you know? Describe and/or explain.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Journal #17

Concerning today's group work using Rich Picture Graphic Organizers...

How well did your group work together?

How well did your drawing show the events of Act 1 scene 1?

How might this activity help you in other areas of study?

agendas, Mar. 26-30

Monday, 3/26

* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To use "rich picture graphic organizers" to enhance comprehension of R&J

0. Book checkout
1. Intro to the 3-day lesson
2. Intro / review: rich picture graphic organizers and summarizing
3. Group formation
4. Creating organizers
5. Presentations
6. Preparation for tomorrow
7. Journal #17: Reflection

Tuesday, 3/27
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To use "rich picture graphic organizers" to enhance comprehension of R&J

1. Receive instructions
2. Join groups
3. Read Act 1, scenes 2-3
4. Whole class discussion

Wednesday, 3/28
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To use "rich picture graphic organizers" to enhance comprehension of R&J

1. Recap / instructions
2. Join groups
3. Choose jobs
4. Write summary
5. Create a Rich Picture Graphic Organizer
6. Report out
7. Reflection

Thursday, 3/29
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To understand the themes of the play

1. Journal #18
2. Film, Act 1 Scene 4
3. Discussion / Reflection; quotes page
4. Film, Act 1 Scene 5 (as time permits)

Friday 3/30

* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To understand the themes of the play

1. Act 1 recap; finishing quote sheets
2. Journal #19: The Rap Battle / Poetry Slam
3. The Battle / Slam
4. Collecting quote sheets

Monday, March 26, 2012

Journal #16

1. Your pop-culture question (related to relationships)

2. What does that film / song / TV show / whatever teach you about relationships?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Journal #15

Choices from today's reading / work time.

You might write about anything (a 30-min freewrite).

You might write about what you read.

You might write about what you accomplished today / what you've learned recently.

Journal #14

Notes on irony. See Mr. A. if you were gone.

Journal #13

Spelling bee! Try to spell championship words from National Spelling Bees past.

Or, write about your own experiences as a speller.

agendas, March 19-23

Monday, 3/19
* To learn new roots
* To appreciate the complexity of English

1. Journal #13: Spelling Bee!
2. New roots
3. ?

Tuesday, 3/20

* To understand the intricacies of irony
* To learn the various types of irony

1. Journal #14: notes on Irony
2. Group task: irony skits

Wednesday, 3/21
* To read or write for focus and fluency

0. Skits (as needed)
1. Reading and/or Writing Time
2. Journal #15 (which you might have already started for writing time)

Root drawings are due today.

Work expectations:
1. No talking
2. Working on English

Monday, March 19, 2012

week four prefixes

Archae-, archa,
Oligo-, olig-
Pan-, panto-

Friday, March 16, 2012

Journal #12

a. What is irony? What does it mean when something is "ironic?"

b. List at least 2 things that are ironic from the Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough at Last."

week 3 roots / affixes

arch, archi

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Journal #11

For 5th period:
What’s one thing you would change in the education system? Why? How would it work better? (Be prepared to share your thoughts.)

For 2nd / 6th period:
Think of an interesting location here at CHS. (Inside the building)

* About why that place is important
* The history of that location
* A story--real or imagined--involving that location

agendas, Mar. 12-16

Monday, 3/12
* To widen our vocabulary

1. New roots (notes in back of journal)
2. Games
3. Blogging assignment: roots stories

Tuesday, 3/13 [5th period only]

1. Journal #11
2. Public Speaking Practice
3. Computer assignment in E-1 computer lab (using 6 rhetorical devices)

Wednesday, 3/14 [2nd and 6th only]
* To learn effective impromptu techniques
* To practice engaging delivery
* To practice speaking fluency

1. Journal #11
2. Prep for the CHS Tour
3. The CHS Tour
4. Reflection discussion

Thursday, 3/15
* To demonstrate our initial understanding of irony

1. Journal #12a
2. Twilight Zone: "Time Enough at Last"
3. Journal #12b

Friday, 3/16
* To read for focus and fluency
* To show how we've learned various roots

1. Reading Time
2. Reading Records / Calculating WPM
3. Roots Quiz
4. ?

digital freewrite, Friday, March 9

As part of our continued emphasis on writing, and, specifically, to bolster your writing fluency, today's task is to write at least 1000 words. How will you accomplish this? By writing uninterrupted for 30 solid minutes.

Here's how.

Create a new Google Doc. Get started writing, and don't stop.

The sub will keep track of time. Your goal is to continue writing; not stopping, not correcting, not obsessing over the details. It's the same as when we write in our journals. Stay focused, and let others stay focused: NO TALKING. (If you have a question for the sub, raise your hand.)

Need a topic to get you started?

* Your favorite sport or athlete
* A time you solved a tricky problem.
* A time you had to persuade others to change their minds.
* Drama
* Relationships
* Once upon a time...
* In a galaxy far away...
* If I were President...
* It's time for change...

Don't worry if your writing leads you in different directions, though. That's the nature of a freewrite.

The sub will inform you when 30 minutes have passed. Then, at that point, I want you to find the best written (or otherwise most interesting) passage from your freewrite, highlight it, and then briefly write about why you chose it.

Title your document like so: [First] [Last] freewrite [period]. For example:
Marvin Martian freewrite 5th
Then share it with me.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Journal #10

Part A: Tips for giving an effective impromptu speech.

* Gather your thoughts

* Have a framework / approach

* Be a contrarian / aim to surprise

* Be yourself (i.e., don't try too hard to be clever, funny, cute, or likable)

Part B: Reflection
Regarding your public speaking skills, what’s one thing you’re going to focus on this semester? What can I help you with? What questions or concerns do you have?

Journal #9

Choose a passage from your independent reading book to read dramatically to a partner.

Your partner writes in your journal!

Give feedback on your partner's dramatic reading.

1. One thing they can work on
2. Two things they did well


* Vocal work (accents, dynamics, etc.)
* Distinguishing the narrator from the characters
* Getting into the spirit of the story
* Enunciation / clarity

Journal #8

Five-minute freewrite.

Need a topic?

Career plans.
Scary movies.

When you're finished, feel free to calculate your WPM.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

week 2 prefixes

caco- (kak-)
mega-, megalo-
tele-, tel-, telo-

agendas, March 5-9

Monday, 3/5

* To learn new Greek roots / prefixes
* To practice dramatic presentation

1. New roots
2. Visual notes
3. Dramatic practice
4. ???

Tuesday, 3/6
* To learn new rhetorical devices
* To practice identifying rhetoric in action
* To practice our blogging skills

1. Journal #8
2. New rhetorical devices
3. Lab time

Wednesday, 3/7
* To read for focus and enjoyment
* To practice our dramatic presentation skills

1. Reading Time
2. Reading Records
3. Dramatic Reading
4. Journal #9

Thursday, 3/8
* To learn effective impromptu techniques
* To practice engaging delivery
* To practice speaking fluency

1. Journal #10a
2. Impromptu Speaking Practice

Friday, 3/9


1. Journal #10b
2. Practice roots quiz (online)
3. Digital Freewrite (on Google Docs)