Tuesday, March 27, 2012

agendas, Mar. 26-30

Monday, 3/26

* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To use "rich picture graphic organizers" to enhance comprehension of R&J

0. Book checkout
1. Intro to the 3-day lesson
2. Intro / review: rich picture graphic organizers and summarizing
3. Group formation
4. Creating organizers
5. Presentations
6. Preparation for tomorrow
7. Journal #17: Reflection

Tuesday, 3/27
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To use "rich picture graphic organizers" to enhance comprehension of R&J

1. Receive instructions
2. Join groups
3. Read Act 1, scenes 2-3
4. Whole class discussion

Wednesday, 3/28
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To use "rich picture graphic organizers" to enhance comprehension of R&J

1. Recap / instructions
2. Join groups
3. Choose jobs
4. Write summary
5. Create a Rich Picture Graphic Organizer
6. Report out
7. Reflection

Thursday, 3/29
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To understand the themes of the play

1. Journal #18
2. Film, Act 1 Scene 4
3. Discussion / Reflection; quotes page
4. Film, Act 1 Scene 5 (as time permits)

Friday 3/30

* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To understand the themes of the play

1. Act 1 recap; finishing quote sheets
2. Journal #19: The Rap Battle / Poetry Slam
3. The Battle / Slam
4. Collecting quote sheets

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