Saturday, April 28, 2012

Romeo and Juliet essay checklist

Name:                                                                                                                              Period:

My Romeo and Juliet essay…

_________                  Is written in the “literary present” tense

When writing about literature, make it seem as though the story is taking place right now. For example [present tense verbs bolded]:

Romeo and Juliet wish to be secretly married. Friar Laurence, despite his advice to go slowly, agrees to marry them. He hopes that the marriage will bring the feuding families together.

_________                  Uses formal words rather than slang / conversational style

“Romeo is strongly attracted to Juliet,” is better than “Romeo wants to get with Juliet.”  “Love makes him act foolishly,” is better than “Love makes him go bonkers.”

_________                  Does not use “you”

_________                  Eliminates unnecessary “I think” or “I feel” statements (they’re usually redundant)

_________                  Smoothly integrates quotes

“Fate is a powerful force; as Romeo puts it, he is ‘Fortune’s fool,’” is better than, “Romeo says, ‘O, I am Fortune’s fool!’  This quote is saying that…”

_________                  Has no noticeable errors in conventions (spelling, grammar, etc.)

_________                  Is shared with

Author’s Note (explaining revisions, improvements, etc.)

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