Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Journal #29

Things to remember about the debate:

1. ABC: Always Be Confident. You never know--even if you think you're losing, you might be winning!
2. Speak politely, clearly, and loudly.
3. Remember to end by calling for the vote. "For all these reasons, vote [affirmative / negative]."

1. Judge independently. Do not confer with other judges.
2. You are not a participant in the debate.
3. On your ballot, provide a constructive comment or two about the speakers' delivery.
4. One judge must keep time and give time signals.
5. Take notes on the back of your ballot.
6. On the ballot, in your Reason For Decision (RFD), don't just write "points were stronger" or "arguments were more logical." Which points, and why?

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