Monday, April 30, 2012

week 7 roots

di-, dia-
nom,-onomy, -onomous

[By now you should have 45 total roots]

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Romeo and Juliet essay checklist

Name:                                                                                                                              Period:

My Romeo and Juliet essay…

_________                  Is written in the “literary present” tense

When writing about literature, make it seem as though the story is taking place right now. For example [present tense verbs bolded]:

Romeo and Juliet wish to be secretly married. Friar Laurence, despite his advice to go slowly, agrees to marry them. He hopes that the marriage will bring the feuding families together.

_________                  Uses formal words rather than slang / conversational style

“Romeo is strongly attracted to Juliet,” is better than “Romeo wants to get with Juliet.”  “Love makes him act foolishly,” is better than “Love makes him go bonkers.”

_________                  Does not use “you”

_________                  Eliminates unnecessary “I think” or “I feel” statements (they’re usually redundant)

_________                  Smoothly integrates quotes

“Fate is a powerful force; as Romeo puts it, he is ‘Fortune’s fool,’” is better than, “Romeo says, ‘O, I am Fortune’s fool!’  This quote is saying that…”

_________                  Has no noticeable errors in conventions (spelling, grammar, etc.)

_________                  Is shared with

Author’s Note (explaining revisions, improvements, etc.)

Monday, April 23, 2012

agendas, April 23-25

Monday, 4/23

Watch most recent scenes of Romeo and Juliet
Intro to timeline graphic organizers (with examples)
Intro to insight
Explanation of activity
We will get into assigned groups
Groups will work on the timeline graphic organizer activity
Groups will report out
Exit slip

Tuesday, 4/24

Homework: essay checklist
About the activity
Make real-life connections to the play
Get into assigned groups
Discussion and note-taking on prompts (~20 min)
Reflection on discussion (~5 min)
Intro to persuasive speeches (10-15 min)
Exit slip (~4 min)

Wednesday, 4/25

Announcements / instructions
Go over rubric
Get into groups
Work on speeches
Present out
Reflection/comments on speeches
Final assessment

Friday, April 20, 2012

Journal #22

After the skits based on Act III of Romeo and Juliet are finished...

1. Best Actor in a Leading Role
2. Best Supporting Actor
3. Best Overall Production

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Journal #21

After today's reading / work time:

What did you accomplish today? What did you learn?

roots, week 6

dyn, dynam
chrom, chromat
meter, metr

Monday, April 16, 2012

agendas, April 16-20

Monday, 4/16
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To understand choices directors make

1. Previewing the text: reading Act III, scene 1
2. Reader's Theater
3. The film

Have you finished your essay and shared it with me on Google Docs?

Tomorrow: new vocab

Tuesday, 4/17

* To augment our vocabulary
* To understand a rich and complicated text

1. New roots!
2. Roots drawings
3. R&J continued; quotes

Have you finished your essay and shared it with me on Google Docs?

Act III: 8 quotes

Wednesday, 4/18
* To read for focus and fluency
* To understand a rich and complicated text

0. Quote Sheet Samples
1. Reading / Work Time
2. Journal #21

Thursday, 4/19
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To bring a text to life in performance

0. Brief preassessment for next week's activities
1. Forming small groups
2. Reading Act III: scenes 3-5
3. Summaries on notecards
4. Preparing dramatic presentations (as time permits)

Friday, 4/20
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To bring a text to life in performance

1. Preparing your skit (15-20 min)
2. Performances
3. Reflection: the Tony Awards (Journal #22)
4. The Shakespeare Challenge (as time permits)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Journal #20

Five-minute freewrite.

Need a topic?


agendas, April 9-13

Monday, 4/9

* To augment our vocabulary

1. Journal #20
2. New roots!
3. Roots drawings
4. Roots practice
5. Neologisms

Tuesday, 4/10
* To understand a rich and complicated text

1. Watching Act II, scenes 1-2
2. Interactive lecture over same
3. Quote Sheet from Act II (7 needed from this act)

Wednesday, 4/11
* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To read for focus and fluency

0. Quotes Quiz (from Act II:1-2)
1. Reading Time
2. Calculating WPM
3. Review

Thursday, 4/12

* To understand a rich and complicated text

1. Small Groups: reading Act II:3-6 aloud

* Ask questions along the way (notecard if you need it)
* Go quickly--if your group doesn't finish Act II, you'll need to finish tonight

2. The Film

* To understand a rich and complicated text
* To demonstrate this understanding in writing

1. Quick recap / Quote Sheets - finishing Act II

2. Writing Assignment, D-12 lab (on Google Docs)

roots, week 5

hier-, hiero-